What is AI Dubbing? Everything you need to know

AI dubbing utilizes Artificial Intelligence to analyze, translate, and synchronize video content using advanced Machine Learning algorithms. The sole purpose of dubbing with AI is to remove the need for multiple translators and localize video content to any language chosen.

What is AI Dubbing? Everything you need to know

Have you ever wondered what is dubbing with AI, and why AI dubbing is popular? 

AI dubbing utilizes Artificial Intelligence to analyze, translate, and synchronize video content using advanced Machine Learning algorithms. The sole purpose of dubbing with AI is to remove the need for multiple translators and localize video content to any language chosen.

However, there is more to dubbing, and AI involved. This article will review the types, use cases, and how AI dubbing works.

How does AI dubbing work

1. Audio Analysis and Transcription

Audio analysis and transcription is a process where an ML can easily analyze and identify the specifics of a country speaker and provide precise transcriptions. This unique feature helps adapt AI and convert content into a realistic dub for every crowd.

2. Translation

By utilizing the power of translating software and advanced AI Machine Learning Models, translation and localization of the content becomes more available for people without breaking the bank.

With the advancement of technology, AI has become more precise in translating in all country-specific languages, including the implementation of accents, and country-specific jargon.

3. Voice Design

With voice design, cloning and customizing the voice becomes more practical, eliminating the need for professional sound engineers. Applying AI to voices, allows realistic pronunciation, accents, and even sentence control without having to retake recordings.

4. Lip-sync

Analyze and synchronize audio and video content with the power of MLMs, to create synthetic voices synchronized with the actor’s lip movements. The process ensures that the dubbing will be realistic, and rarely requires manual editing.

5. Voice Cloning

Voice cloning utilizes the unique aspects of speakers, and by combining it with AI, realistic voiceovers can be placed on video, podcast, or even short-form content across multiple platforms.

6. Text-To-Speech (TTS)

Text-To-Speech is one of the most popular options, that allows creating voice content from pre-written scripts. By utilizing the power of AI and TTS, the creation of content can be done at scale, and still receive realistic video and audio content in multiple languages.

AI Dubbing Use Cases

Media and entertainment

The media and entertainment industry has received the largest proportion of dubbed content, with the help of AI, marking a use case of over 32,3%. With AI dubbing being a cheaper alternative to traditional dubbing, costs have gone down, allowing the reach of a global audience for a fraction of the cost. For that reason we created a comparison between AI dubbing and traditional dubbing, to show you all prons and cons.


eLearning is one of the most important categories for dubbing since enterprise companies and technological institutions started adopting it as a primary method for education.

Dubbing onboarding content and learning material with artificial intelligence has managed to help thousands of new employees grasp the material, without the need for a human present.

Nonetheless, for questions, newcomers could always rely on Knowledge Bases, generated with the help of AI both written and verbally spoken, solving many accessibility problems.

Virtual events

Since the COVID-19 era, virtual events have become a preferred method for celebrations or marketing purposes. Combined with AI translations, any foreigner can listen to the events in their local language in a real-time setting.

Customer service

AI-based technology has been implemented since early 2018 for customer support-related services and is mainly used by large enterprises. With the evolution and birth of AI dubbing, communication with customers has become easier, solving more than 36,2% of cases without the need for human interference.

Language learning

Since the rise of AI learning a new language has also become possible for every foreigner. While online education and private tutoring are still widely available, AI translators have managed to grab a fair share of the attention of those who seek to expand their language.


Throughout the advancement of AI in the dubbing era, accessibility is one of the most benefited categories. AI dubbing can gradually help users with accessibility by showing audio descriptions, or even real-time subtitles for a better experience.

Traditional or AI Dubbing 

AI Dubbing was created at the end of 2020, creating a never-ending trend. Since then, traditional dubbing has started losing popularity, as its competitor is far more affordable, but with limitations on its own. Thus, this leads us to believe that the benefits of AI dubbing are far more than traditional dubbing.

Features Traditional Dubbing AI Dubbing
Requirements Hiring managers, voice actors, scriptwriters, executive producers, directors, etc. Knowledge of how to work with the software.
Knowledge Requires knowledge in the industry or hiring a manager to handle the heavy load. Knowledge in managing the process, and script writing, as well as directing.
Cost Increasing costs with every person hired: translators, video editors, etc. Lower costs than traditional dubbing.
Time Time-consuming depending on video length, and translation versions required. Lesser time required than dubbing, as AI automates the processes.
Sound Quality Depending on the engineering team, equipment, and voice actors. Predefined, Mixed & mastered sounds that sound realistic, and require no additional equipment.
Video Quality Depends on the hired team, recording equipment, and more. Depends on the hired team just like in Traditional Dubbing
Language versions Unlimited, however, country laws and limitations for hiring apply. Unlimited versions, depending on the software you are using
Editing Depending on the editing team. Requires small editing knowledge, as AI helps automate most of the tasks.
Consistency Varies with the hired producers, actors, etc. Consistent and precise replication.
Retakes Varies with producers, actors, and the quality of the session. None in most cases, as AI will eliminate the need to record voices multiple times.
Good for Movies, Podcasts, etc. Perfect for all types like traditional dubbing.
Formats Possible in all formats, but requires manual adjustments Possible in all formats with the help of AI.
Image variant of Traditional and AI dubbing benefits/challenges

Getting Rid of the AI Dubbing Challenges

With the revolution of AI dubbing, processes such as rapid translation, and multi-translations have been made possible, without burning a hole through your pockets. And one of the best tools to solve such problems is Storyshell.

Our tool solves issues with poor lip-syncing, unnatural voiceovers, and saves you hundreds of production hours. We deliver advanced technology, built to sound naturally by utilizing 400 distinct voices, combined with editable pronunciations to create the perfect dubbing experience.


What is the meaning of dubbing with AI?

AI-generated dubbing can maintain the authenticity of dialogue while adapting it seamlessly for various cultures and languages. Imagine watching your favorite international film where every character's expression resonates as if spoken in your native language.

Is AI dubbing better than traditional dubbing?

AI dubbing presents a revolutionary approach to voiceover that traditional methods struggle to match in terms of efficiency and scalability. While traditional dubbing relies heavily on human actors who invest time and emotion into their performances, AI can analyze vast datasets to generate voices that mimic the nuances of human speech.

Can businesses use AI for dubbing purposes?

Many companies, including large corporations, adopt AI dubbing on videos for translational purposes. Nonetheless, small, and mid businesses can adopt dubbing with MLM, to increase engagement, and decrease resource spending with AI.

Do filmmakers use AI for dubbing

Filmmakers are increasingly embracing AI dubbing as a transformative tool in the industry, reshaping how audiences experience global cinema. Traditional dubbing often requires significant time and resources, as it involves coordinating voice actors, managing language nuances, and ensuring cultural relevance.

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